The R/V Cape Fear
Phase II for the Cambrian Foundation is a joint effort with Scientific Divers from the Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmosheric Administration (NOAA) Dive Program, the NOAA Monitor National Marine Sanctuary (MNMS) and the National Undersea Research Center / University of North Carolina at Wilmington (NURC/UNCW). The Principle Investigator on the project is Dr. John Broadwater the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Manager. The funding for this project is being provided by NOAA.
The Cambrian Foundation members are traveling from Florida, Virginia and Tennessee. The NOAA Dive Program is located in Seattle, Washington, the MNMS is located in Newport News, Virginia and the NURC/UNCW personnel are coming in from Key Largo, Florida or Wilmington, North Carolina.
The members of the 1999 USS Monitor Expedition are:
Research Divers
Resarch and Surface Support Personnel
The goals of this year’s expeditions will focus on continued survey and assessment of the engine room, artifact recovery, and excavations in the turret. Specific goals will include:
- Document, through drawings, measurements, and photography, the hull, stem to stern; the stern; the turret; and the lower hull and machinery spaces.
- Map and recover exposed artifacts beneath the hull that may be damaged by planned shoring activities.
- Excavate inside and at the base of the turret and map the excavated areas.
- Inspect permanent mapping datums, replace as necessary, and measure between datums.
- Document on film and video, to the extent possible, both surface and subsurface expedition operations and activities.
- Obtain video and still images, with scales, of the entire midships bulkhead.
- Identify and tag several key frames to be used as reference points.