Ken Johns fills cylinders
John Barone takes the Scientific Diver exam
Pete Goutmann takes the Scientific Diver exam
Equipment, Equipment, Equipment
Thursday, April 27, 2000 – The day’s activities commenced this morning with the unloading of gas into the BMF (boat maintenance facility) building at the Coast Guard Station. After the unloading and stowage of the gases were completed, the filling of all the nitrox, oxygen, and bottom mix began. This kept the team busy until almost noon. At 1330 the team started to work on their personal equipment in preparation for tomorrows first tune-up dives. This coupled with moving the gear to the R/V Cape Fear kept the team busy until 1600.
At 1600, the team gathered on the boat and held the first meeting of the expedition. Capitan Dan Aspenleiter, from UNCW started the briefing by going over procedures for diving off of the R/V Cape Fear. Next was Dr. John Broadwater, Monitor National Marine Sanctuary manager, covering the latest developments in the long range archaeological strategy for the USS Monitor, as well as covering a few of the specific goals of Phase I of the project. Doug Kesling from NURC was up next, discussing the chain of command and safety issues for the expedition. Finally, Tim Gallagher, Kyle Creamer and Terrence Tysall of the Cambrian Foundation went over dive methodology and tune-up specifics as well as the roster for tomorrow’s tune-ups.
To wind up the day, team members finished up their tasks to ready themselves for the tune-ups, then scattered for dinner. The two luckiest members of the Cambrian team, John Barone and Pete Goutmann, were able to spend a fabulously fun evening taking the Cambrian Foundation Scientific Diver Exam! I know they don’t look like they are having a great time, but both men had to be given sedatives numerous times during the test to contain their excitement! We are proud to welcome the Foundation’s two newest Scientific Divers. See you tomorrow and don’t forget to check out the official Monitor National Marine Sancuary web site and the Mariners’ Museum Monitor web site.