Steve Sellers prepares to dive on the final day
Frank Cantelas prepares to dive
The divers on the platform ready to dive
Terrence Tysall after the dive
Project Participants and Sponsors
Monitor National Marine Sancuary
Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center
The Mariners’ Museum
National Undersea Research Center
Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University
R/V Cape Fear
Coast Guard Stations Hatteras Inlet and Ocracoke
Sartek Industries
Ocean Technology Systems
Harvey’s Dive Suits
Phase I Comes To An End
Friday, May 12, 2000 – Today’s participants:
- Team 1 – Frank Cantelas (ECU)
- Team 1 – Tane Casserley (ECU)
- Team 1 – Steve Sellers (ECU)
- Team 1 – Gary Byrd (ECU)
- Support – Chad Roberts
- Support – Terrence Tysall
- Standby diver – Kyle Creamer
- Chase boat support – Clyde Martin
- Chase boat/Chamber operator – Glenn Taylor (NURC)
- Dive Supervisor/DMT – Doug Kesling (NURC)
- Project Director and chief archeologist – John Broadwater (MNMS)
- Monitor historian – Jeff Johnston (MNMS)
- Captain, R/V Cape Fear – Dan Aspenleiter (UNCW)
- The Mate – J.D. (UNCW)
The team has gotten a little smaller, and we were down to one team of four on the bottom today. The teams were shooting video and continuing to map areas around the engine. The team also recovered the bilge strainer from the stern. The visibility on the bottom was over 50 feet and the temperature was above 65 degrees. The wreck was teeming with amberjacks as well.
We would like to give a special thanks to our sponsors, Coast Guard Stations Hatteras Inlet and Ocracoke, Sartek Industries, Ocean Technology Systems and Harvey’s Dive Suits, and our fellow participants, Monitor National Marine Sancuary, National Undersea Research Center, Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University and R/V Cape Fear. We would also like to thank the members of the team that came down to Hatteras and either by virtue of their certification level or simply by the needs of the project, were unable to dive to the bottom. Without the unselfish efforts of these individuals, we would not have been able to accomplish all the goals that we did.
During the ride back in today, we had our normal debriefing and then discussed several topics on how we can improve for the next phase of the project. We will be back out for Phase III, July 17 to August 11. Don’t forget to check in with us for exciting updates from the Wekiva Project as well as the next phase of the Monitor Project . . .