The motley crew!
Go Cart Carnage!
Shouldn’t the cars be pointing the same direction?
Monitor Plan
Go Cart Death!
For rest and relaxation on our day off, the team got together and headed up to Rodanthe to the largest group of go cart tracks on the Outer Banks!
Saturday, July 29, 2000 – Today’s driving participants:
- Tim Gallagher
- Chris Cote
- Grant Graves
- Michael Barnette
- Ray Blanchard
- Cyndi Blanchard
- Andrew Donn
- Gary Byrd
- Kyle Creamer
- Terrence Tysall
- Tane Casserley
- John Barone
- Doug Kesling
- Bill Gambrill
- Cindy Creamer
- Dan Aspenleiter
- Mike Rodaway
- Bob Beckner
- CeCe Beckner
The folks at the track, who recognize us when we arrive and dread our return each year, graciously put up with our antics. I’m sure they just hope for a slight increase in maturity from the previous year – no such luck, though.
We are losing several team members, Michael Ott, Michael Barnette and Ray and Cyndi Blanchard. Bill Gambrill and Tamara Ebert have arrived and are ready for duty, and Bob Beckner is back on diving status (he had a serious ear infection). We would like to thank those leaving for their help and wish them all a safe trip home.
The weather looks good for tomorrow; so, it’s Dive! Dive! Dive! See you then.
Send questions or comments to the trilobite.
Questions and Comments To the Trilobite
What the heck is a skeg?The skeg is the projection supporting the rudder at its lower end.