Fuqua team surveys the beach
Don’t look down!!
Woody and Stephanie take jungle time seriously
The entire 2005 team
Catesby and Stephanie extreme close up
Breanne and Tongo
Today the team divided into several groups. There’s no exploration diving on the last day and everyone is free to spend the day as they like. It’s always a little sad on the last day, but we’ll muddle through…
Due to Montezuma extending his visit, Mike and I chose to visit the ancient city of Coba while the students and the other divers enjoyed NoHoch Na Chich. We rented the flat-bed truck – we always travel with such style! Coba is about 45 minutes from Villas deRosa past several small Maya villages with brightly colored homes and vendors stalls selling blankets, shirts and other knick-knacks none of us can live without. Finally we arrived at Coba. Our guide, Daniel, gave us a thorough tour, explaining the significance of each building and the history of the Maya who occupied the site. Daniel is a native of Coba and his family has lived there since the beginning of time. We climbed the tower at Coba and enjoyed a stunning view high above the jungle forest. Then Mike and Daniel walked down the steps while I crawled, slowly, on hands and sideways, with complete strangers and small children urging me on. We stopped by Cenote Casa for a late lunch and met Renee, Andy, Bob and Thecia also having a late lunch. They headed back to Villas de Rosa. Mike and I enjoyed a stroll along the beach and then a quick dip in the cenote across the street. A young Maya boy was leaping from a mangrove tree into the water,yelling “Cowabunga” with every jump. The Maya are very nice and helped us exit the cenote among children of various ages in various stages of snorkeling gear. We headed back for equipment packing and dinner.
Renee, Andrew, Bob and Thecia went to NaHoch Na Chich for the afternoon. Thecia stood guard and watched millions of snorkelers while the divers explored the cave. The dive was short totaling only 80 minutes. After hauling everything up the hill to the van we all headed to Casa Cenote for some nachos by the sea. On the way to Villas DeRosa we stopped of to visit our friend Bil Phillips who lives in the area.
The Fuqua Family had a final exciting day in Akumal. We began enjoying our first underwater caving experience. Snorkeling through NoHoch was incredible! Terrence guided us through the dark caverns, illuminating the three story rooms and intricate cave formations. We also had tropical fish swimming right up to our mask! NoHoch was an eerily beautiful experience. After snorkeling in the cave, we went for a fabulous lunch at Casa Cenote and some snorkeling in the adjacent Cenote. The water actually went underneath the restaurant and connected to the ocean. We were able to stay in the light, but still glimpse into the dark of the cavern.
We had a bit of free beach time/nap time and then ventured into the town of Akumal for some shopping for our friends and family back home (and maybe a trinket or two for ourselves). We then returned to Villas deRosa in the nick of time for dinner, followed by some beach time and rappelling lessons. Thank you so much to the Cambrian Foundation for an incredible, once in a lifetime experience!!! We have not only learned the methods of studying Cenotes, we have also learned the environmental significance of these unusual systems.
Another two weeks in Akumal have passed. We have gone where no one has gone before (and have survey data to prove it!) in two caves. We nurtured landowner relations and have been invited back to continue exploration. We promoted teamwork among high school students as they expanded their experiences and understanding science, exploration and adventure – and their interrelation. We explored deeper challenges than ever before, each making us better as people and as an organization. Perhaps just as importantly, we leave here with the door open to new, greater invitations inviting us back to explore more and learn more. We have three going leads. Where will they take us next year? What will we learn?
Thank you again to all of our sponsors. Without you, the Cambrian Foundation Akumal 2005 expedition would not have been as successful.
Team Members
- Bethany Barton
- John Boswell
- Breanne Bryant
- Doug Chapman
- KO Donkor
- Woody Dunkum
- Taryn Eggleston
- Amy Giannotti
- Bob Giguere
- Jessica Langlois
- Hope Morton
- Mr. Shane Newcombe
- Josh Owen
- Andrew Pitkin
- Renee Power
- Michael Poucher
- Sandra Poucher
- Cara Robertson
- Catesby Saunders
- Karl Shreeves
- Thecia Taylor
- Ms. Stephanie Trovato
- Terrence Tysall
- Linda Wooddell
Send Questions or Comments to the Trilobite
hey bethany and joe and all the rest of u ppls down there!!!
Bethany and Joe I miss u guys soo much!! are u having a good time??? I hope so!!!! tell every1 that I miss them!!! LOVE U ALL!!!!! and bethany in that pic u look a little wet and tired!! everything ok?? ok ttyl pplslove always
jessica kathryn sutton
u know u love me!!! heheHey gurly!!! It was nice talking to you on aim today…tell Jesse H that I say hi…okay? Joe is gone right now, but I’ll give him the message. Im having a great time but I can’t wait to get home and see you and my other friends. I did look a lil wet and tired in that pic…lol. I was tired and still am tired…but you know. Okay…that’s it…tell ever1one that I miss them…and have a great spring break…t2ul8er gurly
ME-MA PEGhey fweetie! Hehee, yes I cannot wait to see you and everyone else. It’s been a lot of fun and I can’t wait to fill you in on it all. I’ll see you Sunday. I love you & miss you all. Xoxo! Your favorite granddaughter, hehee! Muah!
The pictures of the birthday on the website were
great and I want to say THANK YOU to all those
people who helped surprise Sandra Poucher. You
guys are wonderful.
James LangstonThank you! Sandra was very surprised. It was a pleasure to honor her on (a few days late) her birthday!
Hi Gang!
I’m happy to see you are all having a great time in warm, sunny Mexico…still snowing/raining up here in PA . I wish I could be down there trekking through the jungle with you (not to mention the diving!) Unfortunately, time-off from the job wouldn’t permit. But your updates help me live vicariously! Hope you are all having tons of fun along with all the hard work! A special hi to the original “Commodore Team” guys. TNT & Amy…looking forward to seeing you in Key West (less than 1 month to go!)
Hey Kate,
We miss you, too! The original Commodore guys say hi to you! Hope you will join us next year – we would love to have you! See you in Key West soon…can’t wait!