Bermudian rainbow
Bird of Paradise
Lightning over the inlet
The coastline
Hamilton harbor
The morning greeted us with high winds and choppy waters offshore. Today is the day we are supposed to depart Bermuda. We decided to leave you with a few scenic photos from the island, courtesy of our sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smetana. We are certainly grateful for their generosity, support, and contributions to the Bermuda Biodiversity Project. We also want to thank Annie Glasspool – whose tireless effort and energy will keep this project going for many years to come!! A big thank you also to Mr. and Mrs. Gil Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ward, Mrs. Charles Tucker, Mr. JP Rouja and staff, Mr. Glad Doors, the teachers and support staff at Cedarbridge Academy and Berkeley Institute, Noah’s Ark, Triangle Diving, Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, His Excellency the Governor and Lady Vereker, an anonymous donor, and the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo. We have had an outstanding time working in Bermuda and learning about the ecosystems and people, and we are already looking forward to our return!!
Team Members
- Jen Cate
- Rima Franklin, Ph.D.
- Amy Giannotti
- Bob Giguere
- Anne Glasspool, Ph.D.
- Betsy Hackley
- Tom Iliffe, Ph.D.
- Gil Nolan
- Renee Power
- Karl Shreeves
- Bernie Szukalski
- Terrence Tysall
- Jack Ward