Phase II – August 5

Deploying divers offthe R/V Cape Fear Support teams wait for divers to surface Divers return after a successful dive Tune-ups August 5, 1999, was a much better day than the last couple. After two days of high winds and thunderstorms, Mother Nature calmed down today, and we headed out to…

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Phase II – August 3

Rescue on the chase boat Rescue on the Cape Fear Diver is placed on a back board for transport NURC/UNCW recompression chamber Diver is placed in the chamber The chamber operators Tune-ups and Emergency Drills To begin this phase of the operation, most of the NOAA and NURC/UNCW divers are…

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Phase II – August 1

The R/V Cape Fear Arrival Phase II for the Cambrian Foundation is a joint effort with Scientific Divers from the Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmosheric Administration (NOAA) Dive Program, the NOAA Monitor National Marine Sanctuary (MNMS) and the National Undersea Research Center / University of North Carolina at Wilmington…

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Phase I – July 30

A marker buoy loaned to us by the U.S. Coast Guard The team deploys the Marker Buoy DAY 6 The final day of this phase of the expedition brought sunny skies, warm weather, and special visitors. However, the Gulf Steam’s mighty currents once again swept the site of the Monitor…

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Phase I – July 29

Andrew Donn Ray and Cyndi Blanchard Tony Bielawski Transferring the gas The oxygen cylinders DAY 5 Today, July 29, 1999, started with a severe thunderstorm. This kept us at the dock until nearly 1000 hours. We continued to check the weather at the dive site by monitoring a local marine…

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Phase I – July 28

Kyle accepts the Giant Stride Award from Terrence The 1999 Cambrian Foundation Giant Stride Award DAY 4 On Tuesday night July 27, 1999, the Cambrian Foundation presented it’s first ever award, the Giant Stride. The name of the award is derived form the water entry technique used by divers of…

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Phase I – July 27

The Staff The Crew The Dinner DAY 3 Favorable weather conditions allowed multiple teams from the Cambrian Foundation to reach the wreck of the USS Monitor, today, Tuesday, July 27, 1999. Yesterday’s strong current subsided somewhat; seas were calm and skies were sunny. Four teams of bottom divers and one…

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Phase I – July 26

The Cambrian Team The wreck of the Monitor Mike fills out diver debriefing form Diver debriefing form Archeology class on the Monitor DAY 2 Before heading out this morning, a group photograph was taken. The boat left the dock at about 0730 and again arrived on site about 2 hours…

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Phase I – July 25

The briefing Boat leaves the dock Survey class Survey students FIRST DAY The day began as most expeditions do with briefings, introductions and procedures for the boat and their staff. The project director Mike Armstrong also briefed the divers on the protocols and planned diving for the day. Dr. John…

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Phase I – July 24

The gas Blending M/V Miss Lindsey Oxydative Stress Sampling Senior Chief ARRIVAL and PREPARATION The gases were delivered on Friday morning to the Coast Guard Station at Hatteras Inlet, NC. The large yellow and orange cylinders contain pre-mixed trimix 18/50, which is 18% oxygen, 50% helium and 32% nitrogen. The…

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