Legare R. Hole III Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Legare R. Hole, III, Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2003 by Terrence Tysall and Ms. Patricia Hole, in memory of his best friend and her son, Lee. The Scholarship grew out of the Legare R. Hole, III, Rescue and Recovery Fund originally created in 1996, and is awarded to deserving students who are dedicated to learning about and protecting the waters of our awesome planet. It was first awarded in 2004 on the Sistema Camilo/Akumal Expedition, and has been awarded annually since.
*Application Information
- One-of-a kind opportunity to work with the Cambrian Foundation and its research teams on projects around the globe
- Intensive hands-on environmental/marine science study
- Scholarship awarded to enable the recipient to participate in Cambrian Foundation research projects and day-to-day operations
- If desired, this experience can be recognized for academic credit
- Must be 18 years of age (minimum)
- Demonstrated interest in marine science and/or related field
- 3 letters of recommendation/application
- Interview
- Making a concerted effort to advance knowledge in the field (via academia, vocational, technical, military)