Phase III – August 1

Divers fill out a deco log before & after dives Some of the divers needed remedial prep work Offloading tanks to take them to the CG station Midgett Realty Project Participants and Sponsors Monitor National Marine Sancuary Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center The Mariners’ Museum National Undersea Research Center Maritime Studies…

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Phase III – July 31

Andrew Donn sets up his equipment for support planning the day’s dive during the boat ride out Divers hand their stage tanks up to the chase boat Project Participants and Sponsors Monitor National Marine Sancuary Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center The Mariners’ Museum National Undersea Research Center Maritime Studies Program, East…

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Phase III – July 30

Project Participants and Sponsors Monitor National Marine Sancuary Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center The Mariners’ Museum National Undersea Research Center Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University R/V Cape Fear Coast Guard Stations Hatteras Inlet and Ocracoke Sartek Industries Ocean Technology Systems Maxtec, Inc. Aqua Productions Harvey’s Dive Suits Back In The…

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Phase III – July 29

The motley crew! Go Cart Carnage! Shouldn’t the cars be pointing the same direction? Monitor Plan Go Cart Death! For rest and relaxation on our day off, the team got together and headed up to Rodanthe to the largest group of go cart tracks on the Outer Banks! Saturday, July…

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