Broadwater records info from the day’s activities
Johnston waits on deck for the divers to return
Terrence Tysall as dive supervisor
Gallagher prepares to support dive
Doug Kesling as DMT waits on the deck
Carl Saieva of Sartek prepares to support dive
Project Participants and Sponsors
Monitor National Marine Sancuary
Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center
The Mariners’ Museum
National Undersea Research Center
Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University
R/V Cape Fear
Coast Guard Stations Hatteras Inlet and Ocracoke
Sartek Industries
Ocean Technology Systems
Blown Out Again
Tuesday, May 2, 2000 – This time of year, the weather is very unpredictable. We will spend the day cleaning up loose ends, transferring some of our supply gas to different cylinders and doing final checks on some of the equipment we will be using during the expedition. We’ll see you tomorrow . . . Here are a few photos to introduce you to some of the players.