Divers fill out a deco log before & after dives
Some of the divers needed remedial prep work
Offloading tanks to take them to the CG station
Midgett Realty
Project Participants and Sponsors
Monitor National Marine Sancuary
Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center
The Mariners’ Museum
National Undersea Research Center
Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University
R/V Cape Fear
Coast Guard Stations Hatteras Inlet and Ocracoke
Sartek Industries
Ocean Technology Systems
Maxtec, Inc.
Aqua Productions
Harvey’s Dive Suits
Another Day At Sea
Tuesday, August 1, 2000 – Today’s participants:
- Team 1 – Doug Kesling (NURC)
- Team 1 – Andrew Donn
- Team 1 – Bob Beckner
- Team 1 – Terrence Tysall
- Team 1 – Kyle Creamer
- Team 1 – Tane Casserley (ECU)
- Team 1 – Gary Byrd (ECU)
- Support – Grant Graves
- Support – Tamara Ebert
- Standby Diver – Bill Gambrill
- Chase Boat Support – John Barone
- Diving Supervisor – Chris Cote (NURC)
- DMT – Tim Gallagher
- Photographer – Cindy Creamer
- Dr. John Broadwater – Project Director and Chief Archeologist
- Captain, R/V Cape Fear – Dan Aspenleiter
- The Mate – Mike Rodaway
Conditions were not as bad as we thought they would be and were better than yesterday. The seas were a bit choppy, and the wind was blowing at about 10 to 15 knots. We deployed some equipment down our downline and installed our breakaway line when we first arrived on site. We planned a single deployment of divers and a continuation of tasks from yesterday with a 25 minute bottom time.
The conditions on the bottom are changing. The current on the surface was almost nonexistant; however, on the bottom it was about 0.5 knots. The visibility was down to 20 to 30 feet, and the temperature was about 67 degrees. Burr! We slipped back into our routine after arriving back on shore – some went over to the Coast Guard Station to fill cylinders, while others planned for tomorrow’s events. You’ll have to come back then and find out how things are going!
Send questions or comments to the trilobite.
Questions and Comments To the Trilobite
Hello My Friends-
Best wishes for a successful expedition. I have followed your activities with great zeal. I am proud to know and be associated with such a fine and safe dive team. Good luck to all and dive safe.
MikeGet that medical in and get yourself out here. We can always use qualified help.
I finally saw the site yesterday. You need to enlarge the Midgett Realty For Rent sign. I hope the package was worth the wait.
Lisa at Midgett RealtyMidgett has been very helpful accepting packages and faxes for us since we are not on shore when most of these things happen. We have to thank them for putting up with us year after year. By the way, they rent and sell these houses . . .
Yea Cyndi and Tamara for being the only women divers!!!! YOU GO GIRLS!!!!! There needed to be a little estrogen in the mix!!! With you in spirit and the internet.
ReneeCindy Creamer is here taking pictures and video as well. The job you are doing at home is just as important (Renee is working on the newsletter) . . . keep up the good work and spread the word.
Hi Folks
Just wanted to drop all of you a note as I have been following your exploits with utter fascination. The pictures and daily accounts of your activities are marvelous. Hopefully there will be additional Monitor phases and the adventure will not end.
I do have a couple of questions if you have a little time. First, the reason for selecting 18/50 mix? I can see its advantage because of not needing a travel mix but was there some other reason for its selection? Second, what is this trolley and what is it suppose to do?
Thanks for providing this forum. Good diving and be safe.
George McCulleyP.S. Does that digital camera have a housing? I would love to see some underwater pics!
You are right, 18% oxygen eliminates the need for a travel mix and at 240 feet the partial pressure of oxygen is 1.5 ata. Before we started these joint projects and using premixed gas, 50% helium was chosen because of the relatively shallow narcosis depth and the ease of mixing. 3000 psi cylinders filled with 1500 psi of helium and topped with 1500 psi of EAN36 yields an 18/50 trimix.
The Engine Recovery System (ERS) consists of three parts, the bridge, the trolley and the engine lifting frame. The bridge sits over the wreck, the trolley can be moved across the top of the bridge to be positioned directly over the engine and the engine frame, which will be attached directly to the engine and lifted to the trolley before the whole structure is removed from the water.
Unfortunately, no. I do not have a housing for the digital camera. We’ll have to see what we can do for next year.