Some of the team
Bags of trash are relayed up and then sorted
Trash is removed from the sink
Divers make the precarious climb out of the sink
Terrence explains how the diving equipment works
The first load of trash removed from the sink
Project Participants and Sponsors
Keep America Beautiful
Keep Florida Beautiful
City of Apopka
Girl Scout Troop 1642
Dive Rite Manufacturing
Sartek Industries
Saturday, March 17, 2001 –
The Cambrian volunteers present for the cleanup were
- Cyndi Blanchard
- Ray Blanchard
- Angela Corkery
- Mark Corkery
- Kyle Creamer
- Cindy Creamer
- Colin Hobbs
- Gail Papp
- Bill Papp
- Sandra Langston
- Mike Poucher
- April, Julia and Andria Poucher
- Suzanne Poucher
- Allison Tysall
- Terrence Tysall
The other participants present for the cleanup were Mark Miller, City of Apopka Recreation Manager, Karen Dunn, Troop Leader, and Robin Dix, Assistant Troop Leader for the girl scouts, and Maureene O’Connell, Keep America Beautiful representative. Amy Anderson from WFTV Channel 9 reported on the day’s events.
Send questions or comments to the trilobite.