Cenote at Aktun-Chen.
Anna prepping her stage bottles
Dave and Joe in Cenote Camilo
Renee and Bambi enjoying some quality time!
Coati-mundi looking for Mark Corkery from 2000
Project Participants and Sponsors
All existing line is now tied into map!
Monday, April 22, 2002 –
Our land based team of (Carri, Thecia, and Mike) spent the day taking in some local culture and touring the dry caves at Aktun-Chen. The team was able to spend some time with a local potter who specializes in the reproduction of ancient Mayan art and visiting some of the local farmers and their families.
Team 1 was made up of Andy, Anna and Renee. Their mission was to enter Cenote Camillo and gather survey data on the Lowback line. Each team member took with them 3 stage bottles in order to swim the distance. Upon reaching the second jump the team closed the gap with a reel and then continued down to the end of the Lowback line. At that point, the team turned the dive and began the survey tasks. Upon returning to the Lowsilt line they got the tie in data for the jump to add to the existing map. The team returned to the cavern zone after 105 minutes only to enjoy the 40-minute deco obligation.
Team 2 was made up of Dave, George, and Joe. Their mission was to enter Cenote Camillo to connect the line in the Soda Shop to the main line and to survey around Kilamanjaro afterwards. The team took 4 tanks each to insure enough gas for the planned goals and to enable time for new exploration. After gathering the survey data at the Soda Shop they then proceeded to the end of the Kilamanjaro line. At which point the team proceeded to lay 569ft of new line. The return trip consisted of collecting the necessary survey data of the new passage. While collecting the data a large calcite-rafting mound was present with a depth of 12ft at the top of the mound, ascending upward through a thermocline a depth of 3ft was attainable at the ceiling. The run time of the dive was 130 minutes with a relaxing 33 minutes of deco.
Expedition Team:
Anna Olecka
George McCulley
Terrence Tysall
Mike St.Germain
Carri St.Germain
Andy Henderson
Thecia Taylor
Renee Power
Cliff Sifton
Dave Duguid
Joe Fortuna
Send questions or comments to the Trilobite.