“Dry-run” of Pete and Bill Mapping
Kim’s Swan Dive
Conrad with his unmistakable yellow fins!
Project Participants and Sponsors
Dive Rite Manufacturing
Sartek Industries
Ocean Odyssey Dive Center
Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse
Volusia County Marine Science Center
Sea Dog Diver
Spruce Creek Scuba
Golub Mechanical Contractors
Fuqua Schools
DAY 5: Mapping, Mapping and More Mapping
Friday, May 3, 2002
Today was another beautiful day…the water temperature has been around 72 degrees from top to bottom at 75 feet. Pete and Bill surveyed the 30-40 foot starboard grid where several steel plates were lying in the sand. Their rebreathers performed flawlessly as they trilaterated almost 50 points outlining objects in their grid. Visibility would have been better if it wasn’t for the plethora of fish!
Kim and Tom had an interesting morning as they spent their morning dive accomplishing several objectives. After splashing down they headed straight for the 10-20’ starboard grid mapped yesterday by Tom and Conrad. Last night after dinner Tom and Conrad mentioned some wood in the 10-20’ starboard grid looked charred and that they had found some unusual webbing. So first thing this morning Tom and Kim went to take a closer look. The webbing appears to be part of a rubber gasket. After the detour, Tom and Kim took a reconnaissance trip to the 140’ mark to determine how much of the vessel’s remains were above the shell pack. During the course of their trip they met up with several flounder and a school of barracuda. Finally, they returned to finish mapping the 30-40’ port side grid begun yesterday by Bob and Kim. After finishing the grid they moved over to continue mapping the 40-50’ port side grid. Only a few minutes into the process it was time to return to the surface. All in all Kim and Tom had a great dive today.
Kate and Conrad arrived on the bottom to see a large Sting Ray leaving the wreck. They also noticed several crosslines were broken possibly from a fishing line or anchor drag. They repaired the lines and began measuring Grid 5 (20-30 feet on starboard.) They also scanned the forward part of the site for any wreckage that may have been there. Nothing was found in an 80 foot arc. But lots of progress was made on the mapping.
Send questions or comments to the trilobite.
Questions and Comments To the Trilobite
We just wanted to take this moment to apologize, Kim is from East Carolina University. For those of you who were astute enough to notice our blunder…we send our sincerest apoligies.And remember…Monty Python is not just tapes…they are a way of LIFE!!!