
Guadalcanal is one of the largest island in the Solomon Island group, located in the South Pacific. The islands are a double row of high continental peaks of the submerged mountain range that extends from New Guinea to New Zealand. The largest islands of the group are Choisuel, Guadalcanal, Malaita, new Georgia, San Cristobal and Santa Isabel. The population centers are Maliata and Guadalcanal. The Solomon Islands celebrated their independence as a nation within the British Commonwealth July 7, 1978.

Volcanic origins and a continuously hot and humid climate produces a rich steamy jungle and raid forest. The natural history of the region of the region is very diverse in its jungles and coral reefs. The Solomon Islands also have a rich cultural heritage as one of the oldest cultures in the world. The production of copra and coconut oil as well as logging of tropical hardwoods largely drive the island’s modern economy. Tourism, particularly from divers, is an increasing revenue source.

The Cambrian Foundation wishes to participate in promoting a greater awareness of the incredible history of the Solomon Islands. While the islands may be best known to the rest of the world through World War II history, we at The Cambrian Foundation embrace a broader view and envision elevating the island’s fascinating prehistory as well as contemporary culture.

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