DSO Mike St. Germain gears up.
Tami and Jeff discuss use of "Lasers"
Engine Recovery Structure with ELF
USS Coast Guard Open house
Project Participants and Sponsors
Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center
The Mariners’ Museum
UNC Wilmington’s National Undersea Research Center
Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University
UNCW’s R/V Cape Fear
Coast Guard Stations Hatteras Inlet and Ocracoke
Sartek Industries
Ocean Management Systems
Maxtec, Inc.
Harvey’s Dive Suits
In the Water Again
Saturday, March 31, 2001
The weather decided to let us back on the Monitor again today for our second dive of this year. Seas had settled to 2 to 3 feet with 6 foot swells. Divers began arriving to check in at the boat by 7AM , underway just before 8AM and and bottom divers in the the water at 10AM. Air temperature was in the high 60 and the ocean on the site was 67 degrees top to bottom. Visibility was an outstanding 40 to 45 feet. Currents were all but non-existent. There were four bottom divers working the wreck today, and two support divers in the water.
Additional measurements were taken on the ERS which stands for Engine Recovery Structure formerly known as the bridge structure, and Engine Lifting Frame (ELF), confirming placement of the structure’s lifting padeyes, the height and width of the padeyes, and chain lengths. Lasers were tested for use in mapping the Monitor’s position beneath the ERS. And, the remaining length of the prop shaft was verified. Grout bags placed last year under the armor belt were inspected to determine shrinkage. These bags support the belt as well as the entire wreck. Holes or gaps created by shrinking of the bags will need to be filled before the engine recovery proceeds to ensure the stability of the remaining wreck.
So to recap today’s activities: We have an ELF chained to a bridge…we are shooting it with lasers…and measuring it…while checking for shrinkage.
Cambrian Foundation members Shawn Douthat and Chad Roberts arrived late today to join the team as bottom divers. Renee Power and Mike St. Germain prepared to return home after their short visit.
After today’s diving, we took part in the USS Coast Guard Station Hatteras Inlet and Ocracoke open house, showing off our recompression chamber and blending procedures.
Today’s Roster:
- Boat
- Captain- Dan Aspenlighter (UNCW)
- Dive Supervisor/DMT- Doug Kesling (NURC)
- Chamber Operator- Jay Styron (NURC)
- Historian- Jeff Johnston (MNMS)
- Renee Power- Surface support / photo
- Dive Supervisor/DMT- Doug Kesling (NURC)
- Bottom Divers
- Terrence Tysall
- John Barone
- Tamara Ebert
- Tane Casserley ( MNMS)
- John Barone
- Support Divers
- Nat Robb
- Mike Barnette (NOAA)
- Mike Barnette (NOAA)
- Sweat Diver
- Mike St.Germain
- Zodiac Support
- Mark Corkery
- Mike Rodaway (UNCW)
- Mike Rodaway (UNCW)
Send questions or comments to the Trilobite.
Questions and Comments To the Trilobite
Hey!!!! I saw some of the pictures on the website, nice yellow pants. You know, I had gotten used to seeing you in the morning every day for a while and the place just isn’t the same without ya! I am unsure how to start my day now without getting any teasing from you…
We miss you too. No big news to report at the lab. Hmmm, well, I guess that’s all, I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you again soon – I’ll keep you posted and will be keeping an ‘eye’ on you at the web site – behave, have fun, and be careful! Lemme know if there is anything I can send you (need a new kite??, perhaps some chocolate from Sue??).
GregHi Greg-
I miss the whole gang back at the UW Geology Dept already! Gary Byrd threatened to hurt me if I made him fly a kite from my roof again this year, so I haven’t broke it out quite yet. Send chocolate, however money would be better 🙂 Tami