Phase I – April 9

Capt. Dan waits for the 9AM weather forecast Replacing the front wheel bearing on a Land Rover Training dives in the chamber Chef Pete Goutmann Conrad enjoys a cone. Project Participants and Sponsors Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center The Mariners’ Museum UNC Wilmington’s National Undersea Research Center…

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Phase I – April 8

Inverted wreck of the USS Monitor Bottom of turret lying under armor belt Measurements are taken on the ELF USS Monitor ventilator intake box (inverted) Engine Recovery Structure from above Project Participants and Sponsors Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center The Mariners’ Museum UNC Wilmington’s National Undersea Research…

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Phase I – April 7

Nat likes the custard filled Mark dives into an Apple Fritter Hatteras Light Riding the Waves Project Participants and Sponsors Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center The Mariners’ Museum UNC Wilmington’s National Undersea Research Center Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University UNCW’s R/V Cape Fear Coast Guard Stations…

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Phase I – April 6

Tami Ebert ready to get wet Mike Barnette John Broadwater Cape Fear returns to Hatteras Landing Project Participants and Sponsors Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center The Mariners’ Museum UNC Wilmington’s National Undersea Research Center Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University UNCW’s R/V Cape Fear Coast Guard Stations…

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