Inverted wreck of the USS Monitor
Bottom of turret lying under armor belt
Measurements are taken on the ELF
USS Monitor ventilator intake box (inverted)
Engine Recovery Structure from above
Project Participants and Sponsors
Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
Mariners’ Museum Monitor Center
The Mariners’ Museum
UNC Wilmington’s National Undersea Research Center
Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University
UNCW’s R/V Cape Fear
Coast Guard Stations Hatteras Inlet and Ocracoke
Sartek Industries
Ocean Management Systems
Maxtec, Inc.
Harvey’s Dive Suits
On the Bottom Yet Again!
Sunday, April 8, 2001
Though marginal conditions, we decide to take a shot at getting another dive in on the Monitor before our working days dwindle past. Divers checked in at the boat by 7AM, and underway just before 8AM. Water temperature on the site was 68 degrees top to bottom. Visibility was an outstanding 50 to 60 feet. Currents were all but non-existent. All we had to fight were the waves as seas ran 4-6 feet at the end of the dive. We were able to put six bottom divers working the wreck in the water today, assisted by two support divers and the banana boat (with another support diver).
Conrad installed a measuring tape across the forward beam of the ERS (Engine Recovery Structure). Then, he and Chad plumbed another corner of the ELF (Engine Recovery Frame) and marked its location with a reflector for video enhancement, before finally going to work clearing silt and debris from the engine room.
Tane, Tami and Pete gathered plumb-bob measurements over a transverse section of the wreck corresponding to the forward beam and recorded measurements across with tape installed by Conrad. This group also acquired bottom depths at the base of the plumbs to be able to create a three dimensional view of the orientation of the ERS in relation to the wreck.
Terrence continued to shoot precious video and was able to capture shots of the elusive ventilator intake box…not seen to this date on video. All of today’s photo were taken from his video.
Shawn Douthat, Chad Roberts and Mark Corkery head home today. Thanks for all your tremendous help on this project!
Today’s Roster:
- Boat
- Captain- Dan Aspenlighter (UNCW)
- Chamber Operator/DMT- Doug Kesling (NURC)
- Dive Supervisor- Jay Styron (NURC)
- Investigator- John Broadwater (MNMS)
- Stacy Davis- Surface Support
- Andrew Donn- Surface Support
- Shawn Douthat- Surface Support
- Chamber Operator/DMT- Doug Kesling (NURC)
- Bottom Divers
- Terrence Tysall
- Chad Roberts
- Pete Goutmann
- Conrad Pfeifer
- Tamara Ebert
- Tane Casserley ( MNMS)
- Chad Roberts
- Support Divers
- Nat Robb
- Mike Barnette (NOAA)
- Mike Barnette (NOAA)
- Sweat Diver
- John Barone
- Zodiac Support
- Mark Corkery
- Mike Rodaway (UNCW)
- Mike Rodaway (UNCW)
Send questions or comments to the Trilobite.