Jeremy begins the day with pull ups with the sun.
Ponce Inlet Lighthouse.
Tony, our guide, explains the daily routine
Descending to the bottom of Ponce Inlet light.
Guiding Light
Monday, May 5, 2003
This morning began with some PT on the beach at 6:30 am. John, Brian, and Jeremy joined Terrence and Amy on the beach for some push ups, pull ups, and lots of good fun.
Today we went to Ponce De Leon Lighthouse grounds and took an official tour with our guide Tony. We all made the trek to the top of the lighthouse, and the views were excellent and the breezes were wonderful. Tony even allowed us up into the very top of the lighthouse to see the view from where the lamp would normally be sitting. We had wonderful views of the ocean, inlet, and the Gamble house. We saw the “feline†cemetery and the little outdoor classroom. The best news from the lighthouse staff was that the original third order Fresnel lens is being restored and a new light will be placed in the lighthouse during the summer of 2003.
After we left the lighthouse, we decided to go back to the cottage to eat a quick lunch. After lunch we headed to Blue Springs where the water was soooo clear, but a cool 72 degrees. (In 90 degree weather, that’s REALLY cold!) After we got back from Blue Springs, we went back to the house and worked on our homework, while Becky and Josh made a delicious supper. After supper most of us went to the beach, and collected seashells then we sat on the widow’s walk (crow’s nest.) Today’s update was written by Mary Brittany Townsend and Chadd Gable.
Team Commodore:
- Carrie Campbell
- Mike Campbell
- John Boswell
- Woody Dunkum
- Chadd Gable
- Becky Gupton
- Brian Mackintosh
- Stacey Orange
- Josh Owen
- Mary Brittany Townsend
- Jeremy Wyatt
- Amy Giannotti
- Terrence Tysall
Send questions or comments to the trilobite.
Questions and Comments To the Trilobite
Hi everybody!
It looks like you all are having way too much fun! The sunrise was awesome-looks like the perfect beginning for another successful week of work on the Commodore Project. I’m so glad the Fuquaites were able to join you again this year. Keep those interesting updates coming. Someone must have been mistaken about one thing though-no way could my son run the wrong way in a football game!
Cyndi GableHi Mrs. Gable! We are having a blast as usual. The week is off to a good start, and the fun is just beginning. Thanks for writing and keep in touch! We wish you were here.
Hi y’all,
Ok. From the looks of things, it seems you’re running a (cough cough) “educational” (cough cough) RESORT down there. The pictures are awesome (sunset, beach football), and the write up of the football game was hysterical. I can picture it all too well. 🙂 Wish I were there. I bet it was a great experience to scuba dive in the pool. I’m very curious to hear about the flight down there too. Well, I’ll be checking for more updates from your spring break…um, I mean …your “educational” adventures. Adios. Hasta manana.
Srta. WooddellHola Senorita! We are having a wonderful time, and we miss seeing your smiling face! Thanks for watching us! Please keep writing when you can.
I’m so excited your all you guys and wish I could be there this year with you. I’ll be anxiously watching each day for your updates. Thanks Woody and Brian for getting things hooked up so we can follow your travels each day. I guess from the sounds of the last report the NFL won’t be looking for recruits from this group. At least not Mrs. “G”!! I’m so happy for all of you and will be watching each day. Please say Hi to all the kids for me. And thanks Chadd and Stacey for writing. Have a great time!
Linda WooddellHi mom! Thanks for your note. We were all standing on the beach last night talking about how much we missed having you here. We needed another football player on my team! Keep the emails coming, and I will be in touch.